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Moringa Powder 1000g

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32,90 CHF

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Moringa Powder

The Moringa tree, also known as the drumstick tree or horse radish tree, is native to Northern India, Nepal and Pakistan. However it is now cultivated beyond its natural range; it is found in tropical Africa and South America, Central America, the Caribbean and throughout South East Asia. There are 13 species of Moringa tree, of which M. oleifera is the most widely known.

The tree is very drought tolerant and grows best on well drained, sandy soils between sea level and 1400m. Under these conditions, the tree is fast growing, up to two metres per year during the first three to four years. It reaches a height of between 10 and 12 metres, and has a spreading, open crown of feathery leaves.

Moringa_oleifera 2 auth Forest & Kim Starr credit1Many uses for the various parts of the tree have been recorded. Moringa wood provides a useful fuel source, but is too light to be widely used in building; it is suitable, however, for producing pulp for newsprint. The crushed seeds of the fruit pods have been used as a quick way of cleaning river water. Trees can form a ‘living fence’ if cuttings are planted close together, forming a livestock proof fence in around 3 months due to the high rate of growth.

M.oleifera is best known as an important food source, and has been described as the ‘natural nutrition of the tropics’. The tree has many uses in traditional medicine in Asia and West Africa, and produces edible pods, with a taste resembling asparagus. However, the tree is especially valued for its nutrient-rich leaves, and has been promoted as means of combating malnutrition in developing countries.


Our moringa leaves are harvested from organically grown trees in India. The leaves are harvested once in 30 to 45 days; this ensures that young, tender leaves are selected. The leaves are sorted, washed for 30 seconds, drained, and ‘shadow dried’ in shade between 23 to 30°C until dry and brittle. The leaves are then ground to give a fine powder.


Our moringa leaf powder is a bright green colour with a fresh flavour described as similar to spinach. It is a rich source of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. Even a small serving, five grams, provides:

Moringa plant2.4g fibre (10% of UK adult Recommended Daily Allowance). Fibre plays an essential role in digestive heath and weight management. As fibres are not broken down, and soluble fibres absorb water, they add bulk to the diet and make us feel fuller for longer. High fibre foods are therefore a great way to manage appetite and reduce overall calorie intake.

95mg calcium (14% of UK Reference Nutrient Intake, RNI). Calcium plays a part in many functions of the body, including muscle contraction; blood clotting; transmission of information via nervous system, and development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth.

5mg Vitamin E (166% RNI Females, 125% RNI Males). Vitamin E is an antioxidant, and maintains cell structure by protecting cell membranes against damage from free radicals.

300ug (retinol equivalent) Vitamin A (50% RNI Females, 43% RNI Males). Vitamin A is necessary for vision, normal functioning of the immune system, and healthy skin.

Moringa leaf powder is also notably high in protein, 23g per 100g powder. It contains all eight of the essential amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Essential amino acids cannot be made within the body and must be provided from our food. Moringa can be used to deliver superior nutrition when baking; for example, cookies have been successfully baked with moringa powder substituted for 10% of refined flour.

The ‘natural nutrition of the tropics’, our moringa leaf powder provides a rich source of fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals. Use in cooking to thicken stews, sauces and curries; sprinkle on salads or add to a green blend.


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